Like refined words from poetry,
the organic and graphic lines of freshproducts
and beautiful dishes unite.
Captured by a moment in which light,
colour and composition
emerge to tell a new story.
Through beautiful layering, complexity
and depths, different structures take you to a new dimension of the purity of food.
With a touch of artistry, abstraction and mystery,
I bring food and dishes to life.
Photography is like elements that bring together an artistic and creative image. As if time never topped, a fragment out of a scene, that keeps on moving.
I am an enthusiastic 24 year old photographer, who is always curious about more…
More depth, more artistry and new discoveries.
In Zwolle, as a Dutch native, where I was born and raised,
I laid the foundation of my career as a novice photographer.
In order to understand what is behind dishes in restaurants, I spent about two years developing myself at a culinary level in gastronomic kitchens, here in Zwolle.
Restaurant Noïs & Brass Boer thuis *
A wonderful start to a culinary adventure.
Adding to that, I have done internships at the most inspiring places.
I was able to learn the tricks of the trade at 17th century photographer Ursula van de Bunte and culinary photographer
Remko Kraaijeveld. I was able to complete my final
internship art education at culinary videography company Chuck Studio in Amsterdam.
With the pure, refined and the beautiful shapes of nature,
I would like to invite you to take a look at my creative outbursts of images.The products of/or the dish will always be photographed in a unique way.
Not only in the shapes and colours of the food itself, but also in the environment in which it is located. Creating matching backgrounds with structure, color gradation and depth will make the photo stand out even more.