Whistle The World

Today, our oceans are polluted by humans for more than 12 million tons of plastic per year. This is a huge problem for on the one hand the animals that live in the sea and on the other for our health, because we eat this fish. Something needs to be done about this problem.
As an instead organization of Whizzzie, we want to do our best to tackle the problem and create something beautiful
The whistle has been chosen with a certain idea: "Whistle the world!" (We as people use our voice to make us hear). With this product we use the sound of the flute to give a hearing. The whistle is a symbol for giving a signal, a cry for help, to show the world that real action needs to be taken now. At the same time, we hope to create awareness among tourists for a better environment. By purchasing this product, they support this promotion and take home a nice
souvenir from Zanzibar.

The whistle will be processed into a necklace. A cord with a small charm and stuck, the whistle. These will be available in two different materials and colors. Silver and gold.
We deliberately opted for an abstract, yet organic representation of the souvenir. The abstraction in particular ensures that the story is at the forefront and the concept will not be surpassed. The organic forms of the souvenir are derived from the beautiful waves of the sea, the sea, something that we must cherish.
A part of the proceeds of the necklace will be returned to the costs of making the product. With the slant of the proceeds we can create employment for the local population, cleaning up the plastic on the beaches. With which we can continue the removal of plastic.
The Design

One of the oldest ways of communicating (without speaking) between people is by means of sounds produced from, for example, wind instruments. We have chosen a flute because we want to make a connection between the country (Africa) and the souvenir.
It can be read that the material of which the necklace will be becomes gold and silver. That the necklaces are very fragile, which simplifies the design and reinforces the story. We have also opted for organic forms, which we want to reflect in the design.